Free HP Toolkit

I believe it is only for Canadian residents. It would not let me select an US state, only Canada provinces.
How's it going, eh?

rainbow1300 said:
I believe it is only for Canadian residents. It would not let me select an US state, only Canada provinces.

Les Américains ont besoin de ne s'applique pas.
ah crap, sorry ya'll, i didn't notice that.
DELETE Babuska?!

:eek: BABUSKA, SHAME, SHAME ON U...girl you forgot to add this....
She just forgot ya'llll. Don't get mad:mad:. Something for USA:42:. It's FREEEEEEE and it gives you some knowledge and maybe some money later on in life......24/7 FREE knowledge. You get to sit and study and learn something that you can pass down to your little ones. I hope this one isn't a repost because it's a good one. If it is...don't get mad at ME.....the spoofee's are tired of checking back in the achives to find out that it's been posted before. If it's a good one....then share the post and get on with life. It's nothing but a POST!!!!! Shame on yourselves fighting like cats:cat: and Dogs :dog: over a POST. Anyone can have this one and put it up as many time as you want. It will just be deleted later by the heads of spoofee . LOL It's understandable.

:) :love: YA...CANADA..I'm coming your way in the Fall! SOOOO, get ready for a :30: Lady!!!!! ONCE AGAIN! :car: