Free ifrogz products every Tuesday between 2pm - 4pm MST

Sep 25, 2005
Reaction score
Snatch It!
Every Tuesday between 2pm - 4pm MST we will give away free products. However, there is a catch! We are not going to tell what time it starts. Sometime between 2pm - 4pm MST a light bulb will begin to flash in the upper middle section of every page on our site. This is how you know to add the featured product to your cart and completely checkout. You must completely checkout to receive the free product. If your balance is not 0 you did not get the free product. If you add the product before the light comes on it won't be free.

-Link :)
Do you know if you have to pay shipping on the free items?
Cool. Thanks ... now if I can just remember next Tuesday to go check it out.
Great Thanks For The Post
it didn't work anyway,don't bother with this it's a gimmick.It lasted 20 seconds,you don't have enough time to fill out everything and hit submit,ripoff
OMG THIS PWNS! YESTERDAY I WON WATER RESISTENT BAGZ for my ipod nano!!! and for everyone asking.everything is free including shipping