Free Informative White Paper and $15 Best Buy GC from Oracale -- *Businesses Only

Must be your valid company email address to qualify

To be eligible for entry in the Promotion, you must have received the offer by postal mail, complete the profile information and submit prior to August 31, 2004. If you omit any of the required items for the profile information, you will not be entered in the Promotion.

This is a real longshot, it's not going to fly. I don't even think I'm going to try it.
So much for best buy!!!

:banghead: Thank You!

You will receive your $15 Sharper Image gift card :cry: and
an informative White Paper white paper in 4-6 weeks
Google the net for valid company emails that match your real name, and use that info?
Hope I get the $15 BestBuy gift card. It says within 4-6 weeks
Randy G said:
Google the net for valid company emails that match your real name, and use that info?
No one has my real name. It's really obscure. :banghead:
use either initials, or first initial and full lastname. or even full last name and last name initial,