Free Kitty Kit

Thanks, Brian

"Thank you! You will be receiving your FREE Essential Kitten Care Kit shortly"
Thank you. My sisters family just found an abandon kitten who was 3 weeks old. She will like this.
thanks, were getting a new kitten soon

its called a ragdoll
Thank you. My sisters family just found an abandon kitten who was 3 weeks old. She will like this.
Thank you!

You will be receiving your FREE Essential Kitten Care Kit shortly

We value your opinions and thoughts! We encourage you to tell us how we are doing-
so we can continue to make improvements to FAMILYTIME.
Thanks! :) I just ordered one.
I will be donating the kit to my local Humane Society (along with some toys).
Thank you!

You will be receiving your FREE Essential Kitten Care Kit shortly
Thank you!

You will be receiving your FREE Essential Kitten Care Kit shortly
I registered for this in August and never received it. I'll try again. Thanks. :)
Sent for this in my sister-in-law's name. She has a cute new kitten.
Does it say anywhere what comes in the kit? I'm wary of signing up for "kits" that turn out to be nothing but advertising brochures.