Free Mercedes-Benz Mixed Tape #10 mp3 download


Platinum Member
Sep 29, 2004
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This is good music. I really enjoyed this freebie.
And can always pretend.
Free music

:thumbs_do No wonder it's free, the music is horrible. They should pay you to download it.
skaorsk8 said:
OK - this is awesome - but how do I get the other 8 volumes? Did I miss the boat?

here is a site that has bitTorrent files for all 9 volumes. There are lots of free BitTorrent clients out there you can download, I use Azureus. BitTorrent takes a little tinkering with to get to work, but there's plenty of helps out there to get ya goin.
mixed tape #10 is now available

For the tenth time in a row Mercedes-Benz Mixed Tapes offers a platform for music that knows no bounds:
15 talented newcomers from four continents present the sound of tomorrow – available here as a free-of-charge MP3 download compilation.
A moving experience – not only in your Mercedes-Benz.

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Has it really been ten weeks already? Apparently it has, because as I'm writing this, I'm listening to the brand new Mixed Tape 11.

For those of you who've never heard of the Mercedes' Mixed Tape, its a compilation of 11 MP3's that capture "sounds from around the globe," all made available to you via free download.

It sounds good, but listen to the songs and you'll understand why they're free. Atrocious. Completely and utterly atrocious.

Don't believe me? You can download the entire Mixed Tape for yourself by clicking here.