Free MLS Soccer T-Shirt - First 2,000

Thanks for Taking the Pledge

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Thanks for Taking the Pledge

We'll be in touch soon about your free t-shirt. In the meantime, share this offer with everyone you know...
just got this email...

Thanks for pledging to watch Tuesday night's opening match of the MLS season.

Great game, wasn't it? Lots of scoring chances, some smart goalkeeping, and a tremendous 25-yard strike by Juninho to give the LA Galaxy the 1-0 win.

It was the perfect way to kick off the 2011 MLS season and continue adding to the legacy of American soccer. From last summer's strong showing in the FIFA World Cup™ to the weekend pickup games in countless city parks and playgrounds, it's clear that soccer is alive and well in the United States.

Together, we're building the future of soccer in America, and your support for MLS makes that future look brighter every day.

Now, the not-so-good news: You weren't one of the first 2,000 people to take the pledge, so you didn't get one of our free MLS t-shirts. But as a consolation, here's a coupon code good for 10% off your purchase at the online store:
got the same email...sounds fishy to me
Yep, same email here too for both hubby & myself.
same email here for my daughter , myself and hubby and we all did it on our own pcs..something isn't right. Think it might have been a spoof (no pun intended) to get us to buy their shirts. blocked them as a result.