Free Office Depot Brand DVD+R Media 10 Pack

Thanks, these will be handy
Thanks for the post Joyce :teeth:
Thanx!! My daughter goes through these like crazy:claps:
i'm assuming this is for a coupon? i don't even have any office depot's around me :(
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Did yall get a coupon by email? I am waiting, just wanted to ask. Thanks Joycerrific!
I got my coupon already too. FYI- my first one didn't print dark enough and it let me print another. I wouldn't take advantage of that info- but in case someone might need to re-print as well.
there's no office depot's around me so if anybody wants my coupon, pm me
:wave: Thanks for another outstanding post, sis!! :hug:
Thanks Joyce!!:like:
I used my coupon this morning. The coupon didn't print out very good so the cashier couldn't tell what the coupon code was, but she just overrode the transaction and gave it to me for free.