Why is it when it comes to Ice cream there are NO STORES NEAR ME????????????????? I'm in NE Florida too! LOL Oh well great freebie for those who live near a Safeway!
I'm not sure if this is for Florida residents or not, but it is not just for Safeway. Here is a list of the stores and the regions that are participating and it did not look like Florida was one of the states participating.
* Participating Divisions:
* Denver: Colorado, Nebraska, New Mexico, South Dakota and Wyoming
* Dominick’s: Illinois
* Eastern: Delaware, Maryland, Virginia and Washington D.C.
Genuardi’s: New Jersey and Pennsylvania
* NorCal: California, Hawaii and Nevada
Pak’ n Save stores: California
* Phoenix: Arizona and New Mexico
* Portland: Oregon and Washington
* Seattle: Alaska, Idaho, Montana, Oregon and Washington
Carrs stores: Alaska
Eagle stores: Alaska
* Texas: Randalls stores: Texas
Tom Thumb stores: Texas
* Vons: California and Nevada
Pavilions stores: California