Free Open Nature Ice Cream!

Why is it when it comes to Ice cream there are NO STORES NEAR ME????????????????? I'm in NE Florida too! LOL Oh well great freebie for those who live near a Safeway!
Why is it when it comes to Ice cream there are NO STORES NEAR ME????????????????? I'm in NE Florida too! LOL Oh well great freebie for those who live near a Safeway!

I'm not sure if this is for Florida residents or not, but it is not just for Safeway. Here is a list of the stores and the regions that are participating and it did not look like Florida was one of the states participating. :(

* Participating Divisions:
* Denver: Colorado, Nebraska, New Mexico, South Dakota and Wyoming
* Dominick’s: Illinois
* Eastern: Delaware, Maryland, Virginia and Washington D.C.
Genuardi’s: New Jersey and Pennsylvania
* NorCal: California, Hawaii and Nevada
Pak’ n Save stores: California
* Phoenix: Arizona and New Mexico
* Portland: Oregon and Washington
* Seattle: Alaska, Idaho, Montana, Oregon and Washington
Carrs stores: Alaska
Eagle stores: Alaska
* Texas: Randalls stores: Texas
Tom Thumb stores: Texas
* Vons: California and Nevada
Pavilions stores: California