Free OSH 2005 calendar in CA only (in Sunday, Dec 19 newspaper advertisement).


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Sep 29, 2004
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Free OSH 2005 calendar in CA only (in Sunday, Dec 19 newspaper advertisement).

From the Sunday, Dec 19 newspaper ad for Orchard Supply Hardware (OSH).
California only! (<--updated info)
The OSH Calendars have arrived! FREE
These limited edition calendars are our way of thanking you, our customers, for your loyal patronge throughout the year. Hurry in today, supplies are limited.* Choice of 2 designs (Train or Botanical).

*One calendar per person per transaction while supplies last.
If you need to buy something to get the calendar, an inexpensive purchase would be 0.05 lbs of nails, screws, or bolts. Cost can be as low as 10 to 30 cents, and depends, of course, on what kind you get. Just fyi :)
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What paper and where are the stores. I guess if I don't know, there's none near me!
bubbalou32 said:
What paper and where are the stores. I guess if I don't know, there's none near me!
Hi bubbalou32,
This ad will be in Tomorrow's newspaper ads, but should also be available online by tomorrow. I'll update the post w/ the ad to the link tomorrow when its available.
To find out if there's a located store near you, here's the link:
hth, penpen
Wouldn't it be easier to put in the origional post that these are ONLY IN CALIFORNIA? Not in any other states. :banghead:
You're right, shoulda noted CA. D'oh!

Could one of the mods add that info to the title? thx
Erik said:
Done, thanks penpen.
Thank YOU Erik, your Supermoderatorness! :D Sorry to keep buggin' ya w/ all my "could you please merge these posts?", "could you please change this title?" etcetera, etcetera.....
I don't mind at all. Thanks for making sure that everything keeps in shape. I sure wouldn't see it that fast! :)