Free Pack of Stride Gum

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AWESOME! Thanks!
You've completed your settlement and done your part to help us out. Enjoy your gum and feel free to browse around the rest of the site, if you want.

Thanks so much!!
LOL, funny. :) Thanks for the post! I got the Mandarin one -- anyone ever try these? I was torn between the orange and berry ones. Hope it's yummy!

On a side note, based on their commercials, this pack should last most of my lifetime. I hope they don't hunt me down to buy another pack! *looks around nervously*
Thanks. It reminds me of the coke "taste confusion" Settlement.
The flavor of this gum last forever, thanks !!!!
You've completed your settlement and done your part to help us out. Enjoy your gum and feel free to browse around the rest of the site, if you want.