Free Presidential Prayer Team Wristband


May 27, 2005
Reaction score
or you can send an email to [email protected] that tells how you tell other kids about PPK, praying for the president or the troops. Does your family participate? Are you a part of a group that prays for the President? How does it make you feel to pray for our President and our country?
Include, in the body of the email, your full name, mailing address and zip code.
We will send one free wristband per email. Also remember that wristbands are available on the Presidential Prayer Team website for a donation.
Our supplies are limited, so respond right away if you really want to receive a free prayer wristband
frapper said:
His name is God, not god. It's a proper noun. Capitalized.
:claps: I'll give ya an Amen for that!
C ya....

Don't let the door knob hit ya where the good Lord split ya. :)
Gee...What a hostile post thread....I am apolitical on this one......But supporting the troops shouldn't be that difficult? Or am I missing something?
(Capitalized...spelling....grammar check).
be nice kids

really folks, let's not turn our nice free crap website into a religion/mythology flame-war forum...
kl3rk said:
really folks, let's not turn our nice free crap website into a religion/mythology flame-war forum...

Thanks. Someone needed to say something.
No kidding.......Let's save the vitreous rhetoric for a really good topic like um....Hillary versus Condi?
Kerry versus Jeb?
Something maybe a little more worth arguing over???? lol
Actually my personal preference is for the un-capitalized version just because that way it's overtly non-denominational. If I'm not on familiar terms with whom I'm writing, I just try to avoid the issue.

As another example, if you're Jewish you don't usually write the 'o', but replace it with '-', and you do capitalize. So sometimes what's good for some doesn't work for others without necessarily involving any intent to give offence on anyone's part.
frapper said:
His name is God, not god. It's a proper noun. Capitalized.

Actually God is a name and name are proper nouns and therefore they need to be caplitalized. Your name is capitalized. Shouldn't his be too.

By the way you will never win anyone to Christ by arguing with them.
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