Free Red or Green Tote Bag from Mantra Energy

Thanks Dixie this one should give me enough for all my grocery's :claps:
Thanks! This a really neat site. I did our carbon footprint.. not sure whether we're high or low? LOL
Always love to get another tote! TYVM :)
I love reusable totes. They are good for all kinds of things. thank you. :)
Thank you.. I'll hopefully get a green color bag.. :)
Thanks for posting--hope this one actually comes. I keep signing up for totes, but they're like Starbucks cards; they just never show up. Oh well. Here's hoping.
Check your emails to confirm your tote bag order!

Thank you for taking the time recently to request one of our Mantra Venture Group environmental bags. We have had an overwhelming reponse and interest in our company.

Click here to confirm your bag order
and we'll do our best to process your order ASAP.
Rats! Cant remember which email addy I used :(
I cant find one at either of my addresses...I cant remember which
Check your spam folder, that's where mine showed up.

Subject line - Mantra Venture Group Ltd. - Tote Bag