Free Renuzit Adjustable Cone

It's a bricks coupon for $1. It says on the bottom of the printable page the Cone is less than $1
Printed two. Expires 11/15.
they are giving away an additional 70,000 now :)
when I click on get coupon, the page doesn't load. Oh well if it's a bricks coupon, they never print for me anyway. Thanks for the post.
:) on the tiny "help' on the bottom right corner, on the Print-now can fill out & have it mailed to you. I just did to myself, plus filled out for my sister & Mom. These always come, no matter what addy I have them mailed to. Only trouble I ever run into is finding stores down here that take internet coupons anymore...:thinking:
My stores take internet coupons with no problems, but I looked at the A&P, and these were $1.79 each (will check Shop Rite this week).
Walmart has these for $.97, Dollar General $1.00, Family Dollar $1.00, Kmart $.90 and they are on sale this week in my RiteAid for $.88
cvs has them for .99 this week.....they will not give any cash back just fyi not that i care about .01 back but you can't just get this and check out either...had to get some .25 tissues :)
Oh, thanks--will probably be at a CVS sometime this week and will pick up my two! CVS clerks should have no trouble modifying the coupons to $.99, but they are all over the place as far as their abilities to interact with the register. Having said that, you should never have to buy something else to "go over"--they should get someone who knows how to put the coupons in for $.99 if necessary.
didn't even feel like she did do my fsa stuff without making me wait til the next day to get them..i wasn't going to give her a hard time lol....i needed my son's and my cold medicine today and she did it.....needed tissues anyway ;)
I know what you mean. It does get old after awhile when you are more informed than the store personnel about their procedures. I've had to "train" more than one cashier/shift supervisor how to modify, update, do cash for coupons, etc. in the past at CVS. I was just saying....