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Let see if it works.
i have a feeling they will call you on your phone number on the holiday giveaway but we will see what happens.
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I'ma gonna be :star: a dancin' machine.........:tongue:
What do they mean by Old School for type of music you like? Old school dance, rock, metal, country, pop, punk-what??? When i think of old school i think classical.

anarkust said:
What do they mean by Old School for type of music you like? Old school dance, rock, metal, country, pop, punk-what??? When i think of old school i think classical.

Old school is like Run DMC, Beastie Boys etc. Right? :confused:
Let's see

:eek: They may want to sell you something one the vacation.
It let me do it without a phone number. Pretty cool deal.
babuska73 said:
Old school is like Run DMC, Beastie Boys etc. Right? :confused:

i didnt get that as well, there were 3 types of urban and only one type of rock?