Free Sample of Degree Men Absolute Protection


Did someone say free ?
Jun 3, 2007
Reaction score
0 is giving out a free sample of Degree Men Absolute protection

- Click here and let it load
- You'll find a hand eventually, click on it
- Click on "Buy It" and enter your zip code
- An option for a free sample will appear
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I love this show! My hubby is always looking for a new deodrant to try out.
I couldn't get the free sample form to appear although I did check on the "Get Free Sample". Site doesn't appear to be working properly. :(
"We're Sorry. Only the geniuses that reside in Eureka are allowed to purchase. Please return when your IQ is over 140, which would never happen. However, Degree Men Absolute Protection is available in your area."

This is the message they give you after entering your zip to buy lol I almost thought this was a little insulting.. but I guess it's funny. Besides, I only want a free sample, not like I was going actually buy your product anyway suckers!
i got with no problem.
Worked fine for me. It is a pop up window, so if your blocker is on you won't get it.
Cannot see where to enter the zip code, it says to enter...but where?
When I got the form, all the fields were there, including zip code. I just clicked on something on the bottom left with a picture of the deod and I was offered a free sample.
LOL I don't know what I am doing wrong but I still can't get this site to work. I can click on get free sample but then nothing else happens after I click on it, except a screen shows up telling me about the product, but no form to fill out to get the sample. I made sure I had popup blocker turned off and still can't get it to work.
Got the free sample after the insult LOL haven't a clue what my IQ is but doubting it is over 140
Ya, what was up with that insult???? Kinda rude. But of course I still want the free sample! ROFL
Thank you very much., was a little confusing, but got it
I got the free sample with no problem and no insult.... What is up with that ? It's nice that they are giving samples but since when do you insult a potential customer?