Once you give your info online to get the sample (or so you may think), you will receive the following email:
Thank You for ordering your free e-book,
“Secrets About Your Muscle Pain.
To access your free e-book, simply follow this link:
If you are interested in ordering a free sample,
Thanks for your interest in Myocil. We are happy to offer
our customers a chance to try Myocil absolutely free. To
receive your free sample all you need to do is follow these
four simple steps:
1. Print out this email and fill out the order form
2. Get a letter-sized bubble mailer or any letter-sized
padded envelope.
3. Self-address the padded envelope and attach
two (2) 37-Cent First Class Stamps as if you were
mailing it to yourself.
4. Mail the order form and the self-addressed and stamped
envelope to:
Selmedica Healthcare Samples
P.O. Box 1388
Cordova, TN 38088-1388
That's it. It's that easy.
First Name______________________________________
Last Name ______________________________________
Shipping Address_________________________________
City ____________________________________________
State ___________________ Zip_____________________
Requesting Free Sample of Myocil
*Please allow 2 - 5 weeks to receive your free sample.
*All free samples consist of 15 pills (5 - 7 day supply).
*We are not accepting international orders for free samples.
*Due to the vast amount of free sample requests, we will not
be able to process any free sample order that does not include
the order form and self-addressed, double stamped padded