Free (SASE) autographed picture of Mike Rowe


Bronze Member
Jan 24, 2006
Reaction score
Yes, the handsome and charming host of Dirty Jobs will send an autographed photo your way, according to the Discovery Channel website. All you need to do is send a self addressed, stamped envelope.
If you would like an autographed photo of Mike, send a request to:

Dave Barsky
Dirty Jobs Field Producer
Pilgrim Films & TV
6180 Laurel Canyon Blvd. Suite 350
North Hollywood, CA 91606

Include a self-addressed, stamped envelope large enough to hold an 8x10 photo. Allow one to 10 weeks for delivery. If you want it personalized, it'll take a bit longer.
I love Mike Rowe! Thanks for the post! :) Boy!!! Some of the things he does! :doh:
Thank YOU! My 12 yr old son loves to watch Dirty Jobs. I watch it with him once in awhile..
Thanks hes great...i was watching dirty jobs a lil while ago
He's great! I don't know how he does that show, though. Whew!
I hope he washed up before signing this
Oh I really hope this comes!!!!! It's my 5 1/2 yr olds favorite show. And yesterday my 2 1/2 said "what dis?" while we were watching TV. I said "Myth Busters" and he said "no yike mit busters, yike dirty jobs!" I wonder if they'll put a name on it?

Thanks Neighbor!
:druel: I LOVE Mike Rowe....couldn't do his job though!
Thanks for the post.
I just got mine in the mail. My kids freaked out, they were so exicited. (And yes, he is a total hottie!)