FREE Scoopex 4-Pack!

Cool, I signed up for a sample. Hopefully it'll be of the product and not the scoop! :p

Thanks Cedar :)
Man, I hate sites that go and pop up outlook express. now I know why I usally use bsd and gnome.
I love these freebies

I wonder this works on BIRD poop???? Don't have a dog! But A great freebie for those that do have a big stinker.
Thanks my2boyz! :)

:hmm: this looks familiar...:sus:
Thanks for the post! This will come in handy ;)
How would this work on grass? It seems like it's only for flat surfaces.
Thank You! Your Free ScoopEx Sample will be mailed to you shortly.

Thanks Cedar!! :dog:
Thanks for the post--am quickly learning the joys of owning an indoor dog. My new puppy makes more poop than I thought possible for such a tiny thing! :dog:
berkay82 said:
How would this work on grass? It seems like it's only for flat surfaces.

The video shows it being used in grass.
Cedar, thanks for the post!
My doggie Thanks you and all the people he pass by on his walks