Free Seven Day Supply of MeloSleep


Master League
Sep 24, 2006
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An all natural, herbal non-prescription sleep aid that comes in easy-to-swallow tablets.

MeloSleep is a wonderful, advanced formula with a unique blend of herbs that may:

*Enable you to get a great night’s sleep naturally
*Relax your muscles and calm your nerves
*Reduce restlessness and feelings of anxiety
*Fall sleep faster and stay asleep longer. Wake up refreshed and energized (no morning-after “hangover”).
*MeloSleep may improve your physical and mental health – literally change your life!
We encourage you to take the MeloSleep seven-night challenge.
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Thanks for the post Joyce... nothing like a good nights sleep! :sleep:
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I keep getting this weird error message "Field Field9 not exist!" but i filled in ALL of the fields...
I keep getting this weird error message "Field Field9 not exist!" but i filled in ALL of the fields...

I got the same message, and the 9th field looked like the age verification checkbox...I unchecked that and it went thru, but don't know if I'll get the sample tho.
same thing happened with me, and I unchecked the box, and it went through. weird.
Oh, man, I could so totally use a good night's sleep. But I cant take the chance on sleeping through Bubba needing to go outside.
Thanks for trying MeloSleep

You're sample will be on it's way shortly.
Thanks for trying MeloSleep
You're sample will be on it's way shortly.
Melatonin is the ingredient in this that makes you sleep well... and it is safe and natural. I knew a couple that gave Melatonin to their 9 yr old daughter who has only one kidney, so she can sleep (approved by their Dr of course). So I tried it when I wanted a good night's sleep... I do feel that I tend to sleep longer than I normally would and am just a little bit groggy for the first couple minutes, but it's WAY better than any of the other stuff out there.

-Just so you all know what you're getting into. :)
Melatonin is the ingredient in this that makes you sleep well... and it is safe and natural. I knew a couple that gave Melatonin to their 9 yr old daughter who has only one kidney, so she can sleep (approved by their Dr of course). So I tried it when I wanted a good night's sleep... I do feel that I tend to sleep longer than I normally would and am just a little bit groggy for the first couple minutes, but it's WAY better than any of the other stuff out there.

-Just so you all know what you're getting into. :)
I agree about the melatonin; it works great. Whenever I need something to help me sleep, that's what I take. :)
Thanks for trying MeloSleepTM
You're sample will be on it's way shortly.
MELOSLEEPTM is a wonderful, advanced formula with a unique blend of herbs that may
Thanks for trying MeloSleepTM
You're sample will be on it's way shortly.

Wooohooo, so should I feed this to the kids when they get unruly? I AM KIDDING, LOL!!! That's what I use too much tylenol for, ok before yall take me seriously I am going to thank Joyce once again for an awesome offer! I don't drug my kids, I swear!