Free Silver Dime


Diamond Member
Jan 31, 2008
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Free Silver Dime

I was listening to Rush Limbaugh on the radio while my wife was in the grocery store and I heard an ad by a Gold Investment Company that said if you call for their free brochure they will send you a free Silver Barber Dime with no obligation.

Anyway I called the 1-800 number and talked to a lady who asked me for my name and address to send the info out. She didn't ask me for anything else, no credit card numbers, no income information etc. She did tell me they also had IRA's and other investment opportunities and wanted to know if I wanted her to include brochures for those as well as the gold investment brochure.
She said it would go in the mail Monday and I'd get it in 7-10 business days.

Here is the 1-800 number:

1-800-752-1676 and the company was called Roslind Capital

I'm not really interested in gold investing but if they wanna send me a free silver dime just for reading their brochure that don't sound like a bad deal
they are a reputable company. If you invested in gold it has REALLY paid off!
They will send it. A few years ago another offer they sent a real silver dollar.