Free SOS Night Fever Drink Mix Supplement Sample

Not sure what this is, but free is free! Kinda sounds like it comes out of Canada since it mentions a french version and use of the word Chemist instead of Pharmacist.
Hopefully it will come! It's to reduce a fever at night from what I read on the site!
I actually searched the's like an energy drink for the night when you're partying but it allows you to have a good morning afterward (I'm guessing a hangover suppressant).
Sounds like my friends will want this!
Energy boost to party at night and hangover suppressant the next morning apparently.. sounds too good to be true lol
If this is really to stop hangovers I hope it comes. I get a hangover looking at any sort of alcoholic beverage.
FREE Sample of SOS Night Fever

Energy Drink Night Fever is a sparkling food supplement bringing long lasting energy and quick recovery. Ideal for long lasting parties and easy wake-ups. Allow the page to load and click on 'Try Night Fever' at the top of the page and then complete your details for a FREE sample of SOS Night Fever
i don't see it, it just has a button to buy, no sample form