Free Subscription to US News & World Report from

Thanks!!! I finally got an issue of Family Fun this week that I had filled out a survey for MONTHS & MONTHS ago!!!!!!!! It takes a while but I guess you do eventually get them!!!!!!
I have a digital 1 year subscription from FBM. If I sign up for this will it extend the digital or will it give me two years print instead?
Thank you, Joyce. My family reads US News regularly. :wave:
I have a digital 1 year subscription from FBM. If I sign up for this will it extend the digital or will it give me two years print instead?

You won't get the print they will just keep sending you it by digital service but I don't know if they'll extend it. I had gotten a free subsription and then I singed up for a free digital subscription (I forgot that I had signed up for the free one) I prefer to get magazines in the mail so I can go back later and flip through them. I sent them an email asking why i wasn't receiving the print and that's when they told me that in order to recieve it in print form I have to cancel my digital subscription.
This one is still valid, I think the other one has expired. :bigok:
I got

We're sorry, but this offer has expired!
Please click here to check out another fabulous reward opportunity from RewardsGold!

yeah, bummer. I got all excited there for a second Joyce! *sniffle*
weird... so I clicked the link and it showed up, then said they were out and to click to see other offers they had. Did so, and it took me to TV GUIDE from teenfreeway.. and I got a msg that said:

Sorry, we have just run out!

But the good news is that we're probably getting some more really soon! Sooooo .... keep checkin'!!!

So i guess teenfreeway and rewardsgold are one in the same?