FREE Surviving Sunrise T-shirt


May 27, 2005
Reaction score
hey if you put our picture link on the homepage of your myspace we will send you a free shirt. After making sure it works we will send you a free shirt (it is not the one on our myspace homepage) the shirt has a picture of a TV on it with the band name if you would like a picture just ask
we have sizes ranging from
kids 10-12, 14-16
adults S,M,L

I just got this message from them:

Date: Jun 14, 2006 7:28 PM
Subject: RE: I put your picture on myspace homepage
Body: thanks alot we will be sending out the shirt shortly
surviving sunrise
Hey Babushka, did you actually put the picture up? I don't have a myspace account.
pearlsmommy said:
Hey Babushka, did you actually put the picture up? I don't have a myspace account.

You really can't do it without an account because they check to make sure it's up there! :confused: darn!
nope just go into your edit profile and add them either to general instrests or your music just cut and paste the link then get rid of the [] and replace them with <> in the link, then it adds the pic of them....hope that helps
yes, it does help! thanks so much brunoczer! I just knew it had to be more than an ADD.:D
pearlsmommy said:
Hey Babushka, did you actually put the picture up? I don't have a myspace account.
Yes I put their picture in. I do have a Myspace account. Then you just send them a message, they check it and then they ship the shirt.
Got my tee a sample cd, Great band. A must listen too if you get it! THANKS!!!
yep :)

Received my t-shirt today, size small LOL
But their music is really good.
I got my tee today too! I asked for a Medium but got a small.. It still fits.. yay! CD is awesome! Thanks !
Love them but still can't figure this out!!

Thanks for the site! After listening, I really love these guys! I would love a t shirt but I am an idiot! I am brand new to and although I have tried for two nights now to get the photo link up, I am still not having any success! Can someone help me!? Even with the terrific instructions from Brunoczer, I am shirtless!! I would really like to cover up! Pleeeez help! What part do I copy and paste and where do I paste it to!? I have tried virtually everything I can think of! Anyone that can assist, I will owe them my first born! Thanks everyone!

DUMA__ ME! W711 Should actually be W911! :confused: