Free tobacco sample pack

I'm glad their form asks for age. That's certain to keep minors from signing up for the free tobacco.:convinced:
Thank you for registering at Pipe Show Online. We hope you will enjoy the experience of this site on a regular basis

Thanks for the post~~:wave:
Thank you for registering at Pipe Show Online. We hope you will enjoy the experience of this site on a regular basis
I have signed up with them before, and, they sent out four packs of pipe tobacco in four different flavors. Hope you all receive the same! :wave:
Got Mine

We got 4 packs (big ones too) in the mail yesterday - cherry, vanilla, a cavendish and a "evening" blend.

My husband was very excited.

Nice freebie!

Got mine yesterday too! Great Big samples! Hate to think what these cost to buy. Great find. Thanks to OP.
Thank you for registering at Pipe Show Online. We hope you will enjoy the experience of this site on a regular basis.

I don't chew or smoke, but this will be great for my friends that do.

Thanks for the post!
I recieved four large packs in the mail today..All different flavors and they smell heavenly!!
I ordered this for my FIL and he was very pleased with it, he loved the rum one.