Free trial pair "Night & Day" Contact Lenses


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Sep 29, 2004
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Free trial pair "Night & Day" Contact Lenses

Free printable coupon for a trial pair of "Night & Day" Contact Lenses (Ciba Vision). Coupon is also e-mailed to you.

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Take your certificate to an eye care professional for a free trial pair of NIGHT & DAY™ contact lenses.
There is no need to have a coupon for any trial contact lenses. All trial contacts are free regardless. You still need to have an eye exam in addition to a contact lens fitting to acquire any sort of trial contact lenses. Period. This coupon will not entitle you to have said contacts without a proper eye exam. Just a heads up since I'm an eye doctor.
Eyez said:
There is no need to have a coupon for any trial contact lenses. All trial contacts are free regardless. You still need to have an eye exam in addition to a contact lens fitting to acquire any sort of trial contact lenses. Period. This coupon will not entitle you to have said contacts without a proper eye exam. Just a heads up since I'm an eye doctor.
Thanks for your message, Eyez! :) That's a REALLY good point for those who may not already have known.

If you could give your input on one more thing...for those who have already previously had an eye exam, can they simply go back to their eye doctor and ask for a trial pair? Or, will the eye doctor want to examine their eyes again? I was under the impression it was the former? thanks!
If you are going to switch contact lens types, you need to have a new exam. Some people charge a contact lens fitting fee for switchiing some doctors don't.

So lets say you are wearing an Ocular Science Aspheric lens and want to switch to a Focus Dailies lens. They are different sizes anc curvatures so you would need to be fitted for that lens. No coupon is ever needed just go back to your eye doctor and tell them you want to try "X" lens. That is all you need to do.
Eyez said:
If you are going to switch contact lens types, you need to have a new exam. Some people charge a contact lens fitting fee for switchiing some doctors don't.

So lets say you are wearing an Ocular Science Aspheric lens and want to switch to a Focus Dailies lens. They are different sizes anc curvatures so you would need to be fitted for that lens. No coupon is ever needed just go back to your eye doctor and tell them you want to try "X" lens. That is all you need to do.

Thanks for the info! :claps: