Free Tshirt from OC in Motion

Thanks for thanking me you guys, I really appreciate it!
T-shirt.. yeah.. easy form to.. Thank you !!
Thanks Christi. As always ... hope it comes!!!!
thanks i hope it comes too free t-shirts are great
Maybe we will all get lucky on this one! Thanks!
Thank you for your support! We are processing your request and will notify you when your T-Shirt has been sent.
Thank you Christi for every freebie you find.:claps:
Who the hell are you? I just saw your post and you are very, very rude. We all try to help each other here and get along. Please go away.

Thanks, Christi.

You are welcome Pat, and thank you!
Thank you to all the people who take the time to post the great finds on here. I am sure all of us enjoy them. :claps:
Christi I also came to your defense from that moron.What nerve.:mad:
What the heck was that about? Let's see, someone does something nice and posts an offer, they get thanked. Where is the problem here?

Thank you Christi for the post. Tshirts are so rare in arriving, but eh, I gave it a try anyway. :)
The offending post has been removed and the replies to the post were cleaned up.

Spoofee Moderator
Thank you for your support! We are processing your request and will notify you when your T-Shirt has been sent. :claps: