I thought this was here before but didn't see it in a search. This does come.
http://www.statefarm.com/lifevents/married.htm bottom of page WEDDING PLANNER
username: good
password: neighbor
Getting married?
You're in a whirlwind of romance, but the details of the wedding are daunting. Let your State Farm agent help sort out some of the small stuff, and the not-so-small stuff. The "Working Woman's Wedding Planner," the top-selling wedding planner on the market, is free! Sold on Amazon for $21
It provides information such as: Wedding ceremony etiquette
How to find the perfect dress
How your insurance needs will change
To order your copy, call 1-888-SF EVENT (1-888-733-8368) or order online.
You'll be asked several questions, such as the date of the wedding, if you are State Farm policyholders and the bride's or groom's mailing address. The planner will be sent to the bride's or groom's mailing address, within 3-4 weeks.
http://www.statefarm.com/lifevents/married.htm bottom of page WEDDING PLANNER
username: good
password: neighbor
Getting married?
You're in a whirlwind of romance, but the details of the wedding are daunting. Let your State Farm agent help sort out some of the small stuff, and the not-so-small stuff. The "Working Woman's Wedding Planner," the top-selling wedding planner on the market, is free! Sold on Amazon for $21
It provides information such as: Wedding ceremony etiquette
How to find the perfect dress
How your insurance needs will change
To order your copy, call 1-888-SF EVENT (1-888-733-8368) or order online.
You'll be asked several questions, such as the date of the wedding, if you are State Farm policyholders and the bride's or groom's mailing address. The planner will be sent to the bride's or groom's mailing address, within 3-4 weeks.