Free Year Subscription to Latina Magazine


Platinum Member
Jul 17, 2006
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Click here and scroll down. The offer for a free year subscription to Latina magazine can be found at the bottom.

A BI-lingual magazine targeted toward young, affluent Hispanic women.
One can never have enough racially biased magazines. I signed up just to see what is it about. If nothing else, I am sure that someone I know will like it..
Why does it have to be AFFLUENT?

I have a good many Latina friends and, sad to say, none of them are affluent... though some do clean some affluent homes.. maybe that counts?
AllahIsOne said:
One can never have enough racially biased magazines. I signed up just to see what is it about. If nothing else, I am sure that someone I know will like it..

This is a really dumb comment. I don't see you complaining about sexually-biased magazines like FHM, Maxim, etc. or about socio-economically biased magazines such as the New Yorker, etc. Everything that isn't about everything is biased about something by definition, dumbass.
Pretty soon everithing on the internet will be in Spanish, and made in China. :zip:

P.S. I don't see anything wrong with a magazine for affluent Hispanic women.

blueoregon said:
Why does it have to be AFFLUENT?

I have a good many Latina friends and, sad to say, none of them are affluent... though some do clean some affluent homes.. maybe that counts?

Ummm....then this magizine is definitely not for them, I suppose. For one, it's is written in English. :zip:
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