Garmin Nuvi 350 GPS for $336.50 Shipped After Pricematch

I bought a nuvi 350 for $370 about a week ago. I like it.

From the reviews I read on Amazon, make sure you're getting the v.8 maps. Also, some people think that the 350s that come with the v.8 maps (instead of v.7) also come with the better anti-glare screen that the 360 comes with. (I don't know which screen mine has, but it's readable.)
I own the 360 model. I use it more than I ever thought I would.
With prices coming down on these models spend the money and go for the extra features ....
Its amazing how accurate they are.
The 370 has a traffic detour and its an extra plug in for the lower models.
Depends how, where, and when you drive.

I love mine.
Are you sure you meant Zappos...don't they sell shoes?
Why would you go to the trouble of pricematch? Is it OOS at Fry's?