Getting Scared Yet? Forced Volunteerism by Obama and Cohorts...


It's like déj- vu again
Jan 7, 2003
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Getting Scared Yet? Forced Volunteerism by Obama and Cohorts...

An excerpt from "The Plan" is that students are forced into mandatory "universal service" for the country. The book was written by Rahm Emanuel, an American politician currently serving as White House Chief of Staff to President Barack Obama.

There is a bill, H.R. 144 Congressional Commission on Civic Service Act, that is attempting to jump start this very issue.

I'm all for volunteerism, but forcing someone to do it just takes the whole spirit away. I have signed up for over 100 hours of ambulance service for this month on a volunteer basis, but that is because I want to give back to the community and I am doing it of my own free will. I'm concerned for the next generation.
True Spaz, forced volunteerism is not volunteerism at all......:nonod:...."students are forced into mandatory "universal service" for the country"...that is definitely not volunteering....:nonod:...didn't Hitler's Germany have some similar plan? :yesnod:

Also....Obama, as far as I recall, ran and was sworn to the office of the United States....since when did that extend to the "Universe"? (i.e. "universal service" )

You're right, we should be scared, very scared....:unsure:
Local students have to volunteer a certain number of hours, it's been that way for years.
Local students have to volunteer a certain number of hours, it's been that way for years.

"have to" and "volunteer" do not and should not belong in one sentence.

And, preco, yes.....a lot of Hitler's Germany flashbacks are starting to come back with increasing frequency, I notice. :suspicious:
Local students have to volunteer a certain number of hours, it's been that way for years.

same here esp. in church run schools. If they don't meet the hours required they don't graduate. This is not new. It's an established program in a lot of school systems. The zoo I worked at got a lot of kids in the "volunteer" program from it. Which was funny since initially they were usually spoiled rich kids that thought they were too good to do manual labor. Before I had to leave it was almost all of them had that attitude. I dealt with hundreds of kids, and I've noticed the same trend in all of the kids. They are so use to having everything given to them, they think they should not have to do any kind of work.. period.

So change the name.. mandatory community service.

Sorry I think it would do a lot of kids some good.
As young kids we were expected to do chores, help our grandparents by doing chores there too. We got grass cutting & babysitting jobs as soon as we turned teens. I haven't had a kid come looking for a grass cutting job in over 14yrs... that's bad. My own nieces & nephews are the same.. expecting them to do some work is insulting to them.

Spaz a question... were you taught as a kid that you helped out? That it was just what you did because it was right? I don't think most kids are being taught that by their parents anymore.
I read on the internet that Obama smokes cigarettes, drinks beer and has been known to stay up late at night watching Fox News.

I don't mean for anyone to take this wrong, but the people who need to be made to volunteer their time are the ones who make government assistance their career. I'm not talking about the people who need it- I'm talking about the ones- I am related to some- who don't mind just sitting back and letting everyone else work for them.

Again, I don't mean the people who need what they get. Most of the people who actually NEED it don't get what they're entitled to anyway.
Agreed mommy2libras. Some people should be given the option:
  • Receive welfare, food stamps, etc. in exchange for time spent bettering the community
  • Do nothing...get nothing
It is all about self-sufficiency and there are many in this county who do not understand the concept.

Are you kidding me? Maybe he can "force" me to volunteer at the nearest hospital and I can pick up a few boxes of morphine ampules :teeth:
Spaz a question... were you taught as a kid that you helped out? That it was just what you did because it was right? I don't think most kids are being taught that by their parents anymore.

I learned from my mother how to give service, but I also learned it quite heavily in Cub Scouts and Boy Scouts. :yesnod:
I went to Catholic School and in High School, part of the curriculum was "Christian Service". We were required to do 'service' for the community and were given several options of places. I don't regret any of it.

My kids also go to a Catholic grade school, they are expected to do 'service' at every grade. It could be to take on a chore or 2 at home, help a sibling read/with homework, etc.

I have no problems with 'voluteering', as an adult I have done it myself.

And yes, children these days should put more effort into their communities......but it shouldn't be Government Mandated. It's the parent's responsibilities to instill this in their child, not GOVERMENT MANDATED!!!!!!

The parks department here occasionally has programs where they go out and clean an area, plant trees, etc.. They ask for volunteers to help with this. They get it, my kids have done it. It was not Government Mandated. My kids enjoyed themselves and they contributed to the community. They are learning how to care and give....from the heart. If it were govenment mandated it would be more of a 'sentence' than an opportunity to give of themselves.

My children are also in scouts, they do 'community projects' all years round as well.

I'm not saying this to boast at all the 'service' that my kids do......but to show that it should come from the parents and their interests, not the government.
(4) Whether existing databases are effective in matching community needs to would-be volunteers and service providers.

Big Brother searching their databases on us and dictating our "voluteer project".

(7) The need for a public service academy, a 4-year institution that offers a federally funded undergraduate education with a focus on training future public sector leaders.

Using their curriculum while dangling the financial carrot.:faint:


Do you really want all that government influence and mind control mandated to our children? It didn't work out so well in Germany.....:nonod:
I couldn't have said it better myself!:clap:

Just like it says under my name..........:yesnod:
If people are forced to volunteer, then that defeats the purpose of the definition of volunteer.
Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated.
'nuff said

Oh so true....:unsure:


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I saw a hand-lettered sign at one of the rallies, it said "Redistribute my Work Ethic"

I need that on about 1000 bumper stickers.