Gmail raising space to 2GB.. and possibly more..


Diamond Member
Jan 13, 2003
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Some news out of Google about Gmail, they're raising the space to 2GB and they plan to keep raising as space becomes available.

Anyway, for more details.
Who can use 2 Gig's worth of email storage much less 1 Gig????

Kage_ said:
Who can use 2 Gig's worth of email storage much less 1 Gig????



But that's only because I use it as photo and file storage too. ;)
i just looked at gmail 1719 MB, only using 4 WOOHOOO! LOL LOL LOL LOL


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mine is actually growing, it went to 1772 MB :)
mine too...but i don't think they're there to stay...
its alive, its ALIVE!!!


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I would use Gmail alot more if there was a way to make folders. I hate the fact that you cant save your emails in designated folders as you can with all other email applications. It doesn't make any sense.

Unless there is a way to do it, and I just don't know about it....
alshah said:
I would use Gmail alot more if there was a way to make folders. I hate the fact that you cant save your emails in designated folders as you can with all other email applications. It doesn't make any sense.

Unless there is a way to do it, and I just don't know about it....

actually gmail have something similiar to folders...they call it labels. basically you create labels like folders and then you give a certain e-mail with specific label. you can also label one e-mail with more than one labels. after which, you can archive the e-mails. if you click on the specific labels on the left, it will show you all the e-mails with that specific label. i believe this is better than folder in the sense that you can label an e-mail with more than one labels...give it a try...GMAIL Rocks!!!
Thanks for responding lap :)

I tried playing with those label things and could not get it to work right. I must have been doing it wrong. If it works the same way as folders, then I just need to put the time into learning how they actually work!
I can't imagine Google wouldn't have some type of folder functionality, even if it is something innovative like labels. Thanks lap1314134 since I had wondered about this myself.
alshah said:
Thanks for responding lap :)

I tried playing with those label things and could not get it to work right. I must have been doing it wrong. If it works the same way as folders, then I just need to put the time into learning how they actually work!

just go to settings, create new label then you name the label, and then go to you inbox and select the mail you want and then up at the top there is an option that will let you scroll down, just scroll to your label and you are done. :spoofee:
Yes, but If I move the message from the inbox to the trash, it deletes the message from the labeled folder. How can I physically move the message, saved, from inbox to the given label box? Is that possible? I hate my inbox being loaded with tons of emails when I log in.
hit the 'archive' button at the top to remove a message from your inbox

Thats what I have been looking for!! Gmail just got a whole lot better!!

Thanks zerotech! :)
HOT DIGGEDEY DOGGIE. I don't think I will ever use that much.