Got to get me one of these

That looks pretty cool. You know it will never work like they say it is supposed to. Wonder where you will find all the software needed to input all the different software keyboard shortcuts. I bet it will be quite expensive also! :eek:
I've seen this before. It's got to be cheaper than the $300 large-key keyboards for visually-impaired persons.
if ever anything technical was beautiful, it would be that.. :eek:
That's really cool, probably really expensive though.
dehawk666 said:
sigh from being sleak and cool , cutting edge even , the women have made this and i quote

Originally Posted by penpen
very pretty =)

Originally Posted by Scoopons

I'm sorry.. have we emasculated it?... but its just so *QYUTE!!<3*~ :rose: :love: :girl: :kiss2: :05: