Happy St. Patrick's Day


Soldier of the Cross
Jul 20, 2004
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Happy St. Patrick's Day to all my fellow spoofers :)
Same to you Cam and me fellow spoofers! Feel free to paint the town green and stumble home! After all, the luck of the Irish is with ya! :beer_yum: Happy St. Patty's

May the road rise to meet you.
May the wind be always at your back,
The sun shine warm upon your face,
The rain fall soft upon your fields.
And until we meet again,
May God hold you in the hollow of His hand.

--An Irish blessing
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:kiss2: Me! I'm Irish!

Happy St. Pat's Day to all! Including those that are 99% Blarney Irish for the day!
roses are red
violets are bluish
a leprechaun told me
st. patrick was jewish ;)

happy st. pat's day everyone!!!
I'm celebrating my St. Patty's Day next weekend when I'm off on spring break :o But anyways, happy St. Patty's day to those of you who are celebrating it today ;)

whaaaaaaaaaaaaa whoooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
what is it for anyways?

i didnt wear anything in green, a guy wanted to beat me up or something.
MrGovernator said:
what is it for anyways?

i didnt wear anything in green, a guy wanted to beat me up or something.

That is why you just tell everyone that your underwear is green and they leave you alone ;)
MrGovernator said:
what is it for anyways?

i didnt wear anything in green, a guy wanted to beat me up or something.
Had nothing to do with what you were wearing, they heard you were Dehawk in disguise.......:rolleyes: