Hard Drive over 250GB (seagate if possible)


Nov 13, 2002
Reaction score
Basicly i've had really bad luck with hard drives in my life. They all seem to DIE a few months after the warrenty expires :banghead: . I've been sticking with WD and maxtor, both good drive companies, but their warrenties are like 1-year.. Seagates however is something like 4 or 5 years, and i also hear they are pretty good drives which sounds very good to me.

I'm looking for a HDD thats 250GB (chache size doesnt matter that much) or over. and one that has a pretty long warrenty (compared to maxtor & western digital's 1 year).

Any help you great ppl can provide would be awsome!

Thank you very much! :D
Just some insight on Seagate drives. I have a 200GB model. Works great. Very quiet and fast. No problems so far, had it since August. :)
agreed.. i bought two of those 200gb baracudas and am thouroughly impressed. Seagate is a great company IMO
Seagate is very good, it would be nice if Parago could learn how to process their rebates though.
I also have a 200gb Seagate drive - purchased a few months ago. It's very fast and very quite. I've had good luck with Maxtor & WD in the past. I switched to Seagate this year because of a good deal posted on Spoofee and because many users agreed that Seagate makes very good drives.

The rebate comment... I agree - I sent my rebate in like a couple of months ago and though I received e-mail confirmation.... I'm... still.... waiting :mad: . Maybe I'll get it in time for Christmas shopping '05.

Mine has passed the three month mark, getting up on the four month mark. Numerous calls to them yield nothing. Today I'll try once again.
Yeah, this has happend to me many times (never with a hard drive though). Thats why im not that big of a fan of mail in rebates, but hey i geuss you do EVENTUALLY get your money back....somtimes....maybe.....
Squ said:
Seagates however is something like 4 or 5 years, and i also hear they are pretty good drives which sounds very good to me.

I'm looking for a HDD thats 250GB (chache size doesnt matter that much) or over. and one that has a pretty long warrenty (compared to maxtor & western digital's 1 year).

Any help you great ppl can provide would be awsome!

Thank you very much! :D
Do you live near a Fry's Electronics?
Their current Bay Area instore ad is featuring the Seagate 300gb Ultra ATA/100 Hard Drive for $149.99 AR ($189 - $40). I'm figuring that maybe Fry's stores in other areas will have this as well. Here's the link to the product on Outpost.com so you can see the the item (although the online store price won't be the same: it's $179.99)

ps it comes w/ a 5 Years Limited Manufacturer Warranty.
Well, normally rebates are pretty good. Parago just happens to be terrible.
penpen said:
Do you live near a Fry's Electronics?
Their current Bay Area instore ad is featuring the Seagate 300gb Ultra ATA/100 Hard Drive for $149.99 AR ($189 - $40). I'm figuring that maybe Fry's stores in other areas will have this as well. Here's the link to the product on Outpost.com so you can see the the item (although the online store price won't be the same: it's $179.99)

ps it comes w/ a 5 Years Limited Manufacturer Warranty.

I posted too early before...
This is now $139.99 online at Outpost.com. ($179.99 - $40 MIR = $139.99). plus shipping & sales tax. :)
penpen said:
Do you live near a Fry's Electronics?
Their current Bay Area instore ad is featuring the Seagate 300gb Ultra ATA/100 Hard Drive for $149.99 AR ($189 - $40). I'm figuring that maybe Fry's stores in other areas will have this as well. Here's the link to the product on Outpost.com so you can see the the item (although the online store price won't be the same: it's $179.99)

ps it comes w/ a 5 Years Limited Manufacturer Warranty.

No i don't.. i live in chicago all we have is bestbuy,circuit city,micro center, office depot.. :(

but ima check out outpost and see if i can afford the $200 until the rebate gets back to me.
Western Digital Caviar 250 GB 7200 RPM HD for $129.99 @ BestBuy

Squ said:
No i don't.. i live in chicago all we have is bestbuy,circuit city,micro center, office depot.. :(

but ima check out outpost and see if i can afford the $200 until the rebate gets back to me.
I recall you mentioned you preferred Seagate, but starting tomorrow (1/9 to 1/15/05), BestBuy will have the Western Digital Caviar 250 GB 7200 RPM HD (Model: WD2500JBRT, BB item # 5524364) on sale tomorrow for $129.99 AR ($179.99 - $30 MIR - $20 MIR). Since you don't have to pay for shipping for this one, this may be less expensive. Unfortunately, this one only comes w/ 1 year parts & labour.
Also starting tomorrow, Office Depot will be featuring the Maxtor 160GB Ultra ATA/133 internal HD (item# 447-679) for $79.99AR. You needed 250GB or more, though, so this may not work for you, but I just thought I'd mention it in case.
penpen said:
I recall you mentioned you preferred Seagate, but starting tomorrow (1/9 to 1/15/05), BestBuy will have the Western Digital Caviar 250 GB 7200 RPM HD (Model: WD2500JBRT, BB item # 5524364) on sale tomorrow for $129.99 AR ($179.99 - $30 MIR - $20 MIR). Since you don't have to pay for shipping for this one, this may be less expensive. Unfortunately, this one only comes w/ 1 year parts & labour.
Also starting tomorrow, Office Depot will be featuring the Maxtor 160GB Ultra ATA/133 internal HD (item# 447-679) for $79.99AR. You needed 250GB or more, though, so this may not work for you, but I just thought I'd mention it in case.
Thanks, but i went with the outpost.com deal on the 300GB seagate for $129.. shipping wasnt to bad (about $4-5 for ground) so all in all it was a pretty good deal..
Thanks allot guys! You rock! ;)