have you guys noticed...


happy to be back!
Apr 3, 2005
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we all seem to be a bunch of grammar/spelling/punctuation snobs. not that we're rude to anyone -- we all just think we know best :p

our motto: those of you who think you know everything are annoying to those of us who do

just thought i'd mention it ;)
haha yes i've noticed that. It's big on most forums. I get it from my mom. 19 years living with an english teacher will really warp your mind :-/

Most people blame the internet, text messaging and the informality of email as the downfall of correct spelling & grammar. At least that's what the Language Arts teachers I taught with blamed it on....

I think it's because sometimes we try to write like we talk. For some people, their fingers can't keep up! LOL
Well, my grandmother who has been an english teacher for umpteen years never lets a grammar or punctuation error get by her, she loves to correct people, and it sometimes gets on your nerves
Do you think sloppy typing has anything to do with actual intelligence? For instance, do people with lower IQ's tend to have more capitalization, punctuation, and spelling errors than smarter people? FYI - I spell checked this post twice before posting it! LOL
i rarely capitalize ever since i learned waaaay back in the day that caps meant yelling. rather than offend someone by yelling, i'd rather go to the opposite extreme. i do, however, care about punctuation. i've gotten slack in my instant messaging though because i do it from my phone all the time, and you can't fit a whole lot into one message. like using "ur" for your or you're or "u" or "txt msg"... etc... it used to drive me nuts, but it doesn't bother me anymore. btw, i'd be willing to bet that in a generation or two, we won't use apostrophes.
clubchick said:
our motto: those of you who think you know everything are annoying to those of us who do


:claps: Gee, and I thought I was the only one.

Sometimes it's typing too quickly, tired or lazy. Sometimes I notice it after the time to edit, then it's there forever (how annoying).

But seriously, I really believe the people on this forum are quite intelligent (well, most of them:rolleyes: ). I am continually impressed by you 'folk' especially when I compare 'you' to the 'average' person that I come into contact with (companies, stores, other Moms, teachers, .....). So here's to you my fellow Spoofers and Spoofettes :cocktail: (:beer_yum: for BigDaddy) :claps: (We'll just give Wade some H2O!:p) Let us 'all knowing and annoying' Spoofers continue to harass and out wit each other! :) :o
i dont seee whut any of u r tlking abowt...no won ever jumps on anyones case for mispelled werds and grammer bad in this here forum, i mean seriously, i relly dont notice it

that was some high quality H2O, thanks preco
In, A MANUAL OF EMAIL STYLE, the author says people who do that are referred to as 'net weinies'.....

I recently got a used book & whoever read it before me must have been an english teacher cause they made so many corrections to it.
morriefisher said:
In, A MANUAL OF EMAIL STYLE, the author says people who do that are referred to as 'net weinies'.....
people who do what?
hitting the SHIFT key is way overrated.....
WadeTheWise said:
i dont seee whut any of u r tlking abowt...no won ever jumps on anyones case for mispelled werds and grammer bad in this here forum, i mean seriously, i relly dont notice it
That's because you're from Kentucky.

anarkust said:
That's because you're from Kentucky.


I would have tried to supply him with a sufficient come back, but everything I tried to type back would have been way too confusing for anyone from texas to understand, in that it used words that have more than 5 letters. We all know that although Kentucky may not be the greatest state in the union, it's so much better than texas that gabriels statement can jus tstand on it's own to let him at least think he's superior to someone.
in the words of one of my state's greatest spokespeople, rodney king, "can't we all just get along?" ;)
WadeTheWise said:
I would have tried to supply him with a sufficient come back, but everything I tried to type back would have been way too confusing for anyone from texas to understand, in that it used words that have more than 5 letters. We all know that although Kentucky may not be the greatest state in the union, it's so much better than texas that gabriels statement can jus tstand on it's own to let him at least think he's superior to someone.
Yes, Gabriel always just says the nicest things! :love::05:
clubchick said:
in the words of one of my state's greatest spokespeople, rodney king, "can't we all just get along?" ;)

No, we cant. You wanna take it outside? :eek: ;)
precocious said:
Yes, Gabriel always just says the nicest things! :love::05:

it sounds like some one is going into dehawk withdrawal....