Headlines stranger than Fiction

Good Grief Choo really did have a good birthday! :teeth:
gotta love slow news days
Had that happened here, the student would have gotten credit for spelling a 12 letter word.

I KNOW that's not what the student in the story wrote. come to think of it, I'm not sure you can say that with a British accent.
What?!?!?! No pictures? With that kind of headline, you better follow up with a picture if you are any kind of thorough journalist!
I agree with tigger. I can understand not showing a photo of "f... off" but we have already seen choo spanking the monkey. How much worse could it be to see a thong and fake breasts picture?
I agree with tigger. I can understand not showing a photo of "f... off" but we have already seen choo spanking the monkey. How much worse could it be to see a thong and fake breasts picture?

So bad that none of the news sources that carried the story would post a photo.
:rofl::rofl::rofl:Oh no wonder why i love this place.You guys always make me laugh.
That would have been something to see...guy wearing a thong and fake breasts.
MrsK, that's not an unusual sight in Floriduh, go to the beach and watch for a fat guy in a speedo.
If a vasectomy were involved, would it be a seedless melon?