Hummmm. Good idea but the first movie was Westworld where Yul Brynner plays a run-away cowboy robot. Oddly it wasn't a great date. In fact we determined that we had
nothing in common and ended the night with a handshake.
How we finally did get together a few months later is another story but it involves ships, a cook-out on deck, too much beer (on my part - she's a tea tottler (see "nothing in common") and led us to San Francisco where we were married in the harbor. Pretty romantic.
The latest on anniversary 33 is that she calls me today and says we have something to celebrate Saturday to which we had to remind her the correct date as being Sunday. She thinks the anniversary is May 5th but it's the 6th and she thinks our daughter was born April 7th but it's the 9th. Oh well.
Anyhow, I had thought that she would totally forget and I could surprise her but she didn't so I said, "how about dinner" so we are doing that fer sure. And I really like the looks of the Water Club and since one of us is still a tea tottler and the other isn't (still nothing in common after all these years
) we can probably skate by with a reasonable dinner tab because of no drinks. I can practically walk to The Water Club from Hell's Kitchen. Nice suggestion Preco.
I'll have to analyze how to stay together for 33 years and will let you know. My sister and brother-in-law are celebrating their golden (50th) this year (they want to take a carriage ride in Central Park and maybe have me renew their vows since I'm a minister) but to sum up their secret, it's "unconditional love". As long as you have that, anything can be forgiven. And the way they started was that 50 yrs ago they "had" to get married. Dad wasn't pleased and knew it would never last. My parents also were together till death they did part. Maybe it's in the genes.