Help - This is a job for Spoofee people!


Lets' go Yankees!
May 18, 2006
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Last night at the Church there was a food thing with Sterno involved. This morning I go to the "kitchen" sink and on the cabinet, near the floor is a pinky colored splash stain about 10" round. Turns out someone dropped a hot Sterno can and the liquid heat splashed on the cabinet. Degreaser/cleaner stuff doesn't get it out. Mr. Clean Magic Eraser (wet or dry) doesn't get it either and I don't have a clue how to even Google the problem. I'd rather not have to sand, stain, refinsh, etc... the friggin door(s) as I have far more important things to do (like putting up the Xmas decorations to be in step with the Macy's Thanksgiving/Christmas Parade). Any serious (not spurious) suggestions/advice will be appreciated and if not too goofy sounding (I will NOT try cleaning it with mustard or catsup as an example) will be taken. Although, maybe vinegar :convinced:
Used to work with this stuff all the time, either paint it, or cover it with rub on decor for cabinets, I never found anything that removed it. Sorry.
Last night at the Church there was a food thing with Sterno involved. This morning I go to the "kitchen" sink and on the cabinet, near the floor is a pinky colored splash stain about 10" round. Turns out someone dropped a hot Sterno can and the liquid heat splashed on the cabinet. Degreaser/cleaner stuff doesn't get it out. Mr. Clean Magic Eraser (wet or dry) doesn't get it either and I don't have a clue how to even Google the problem. I'd rather not have to sand, stain, refinsh, etc... the friggin door(s) as I have far more important things to do (like putting up the Xmas decorations to be in step with the Macy's Thanksgiving/Christmas Parade). Any serious (not spurious) suggestions/advice will be appreciated and if not too goofy sounding (I will NOT try cleaning it with mustard or catsup as an example) will be taken. Although, maybe vinegar :convinced:

First off I am sorry to hear of your dilemma! You may want to try "Spot Shot" usually is used to clean carpets, etc, but it does a bang up job. KMART, WalMart, Safeway carry it in the household cleaning department. Comes in a blue can, with a bring orange cap, runs about six bucks. Also, depending on your cabinet coloring, you may want to try "Old English Polish". It comes in different wood coloring, and, is most often used for touching up scratches on wood furniture. It may "seep into" the cabinetry wood and cover up the stain.
Sure hope you don't have to restain the cabinets, such a hard job, and with the holidays right around the corner. Good luck!
Since the degreaser didn't work before doing anything else, I'd call the company and ask their advice. Sterno's gel is a different product than anything else and remedies may actually set the stain rather than release it.

The Sterno Group
Corporate Office: 999 East Touhy Avenue, Suite 500
Des Plaines, Illinois 60018 USA
Toll Free Customer Service: 1-877-478-3766
Telephone: 1-847-294-1100
Toll Free: 1-800-669-6699
Fax: 1-847-294-0947
Yous guys are great! I think a colored polish or the rub on decor might be the answer. It seems a lot less noticeable when wet. My wife suggested Lemon Pledge and I thought some oily polish/cleaner might work. But as sccrbrs so aptly points out I should check with the Sterno people first. I forgot about the "use the right stuff or the wrong stuff can keep the right stuff from being right" data. I hope I didn't screw it up already :worry: I've sent them an e-mail.
They haven't responded to my e-mail yet :(
Here's what they say;
"We apologize for the stain. But sterno is water soluble and could be
removed with soap and water with cloth.
Thank you,

Here's what I say back;
"Thanks but I think the problem is that is splashed on hot so may have melted into the finish. Soap and water doesn't make it go away although when wet it is far less. Maybe I'll just scrub more aggressively with soap and water and hope for the best.
Jerry" :worry:

If you have access to a steam cleaner maybe you can steam the crud out of the cabinet?
If it's affecting the actual 'coating' on the cabinet (poly-u, varnish, etc.) you just might have to use mineral spirits (a solvent). Try a bit of mineral spirits (or turpentine) on a cotton cloth and see if it removes the residue. It might make it less noticeable.
Excellent suggestions and I'll start with the least "violent".

Thanks and nice to see your legs - uh, I mean - you're back, Preco.

Next job for Spoofers -

I take care of a commercial building so can't have a real "live" (even though dead) tree. Years ago I found a long-lasting "real" pine scent spray in some store in Florida. Last year I searched the Internet for such an item and really drew a blank. I'm probably Googling it wrong. Does anyone know where I can get such an item. The tree I have looks really good and if I could just make it smell like pine it would be great.