Here I go again.

Autumn \Au"tumn\, n. [L. auctumnus, autumnus, perh. fr. a root
av to satisfy one's self: cf. F. automne. See Avarice.]

Perhaps the harvest season was one seen as satisfying one's labors of the spring and summer?
As the Old Timer used to say, "That ain't the way I heard it".

And that's not the point. What I want to know is why the other Seasons got short shrift when it came to names.
Well after naming Fall/Autumn/Harvest, they were just to tired and lazy to think of 3 diff names for all 4 seasons.
OK, we call Autumn, Fall. I understand it was once called Harvest too.

How come we don't call Winter, Frozen and Summer, Hot and Spring, Bloom or something like that? What's the deal with Autumn?

I have always called this season "fall" because that's what all the leaves do here in New England :)
Dude, step away from the bottle.......
I am willing to bet it was Maker's Mark
How come we don't call Winter, Frozen and Summer, Hot and Spring, Bloom or something like that? What's the deal with Autumn?

Who said we didn't? At least I do anyway, in the winter I say I am freezing my knickers off, it's freezing, I am frozen, it's frozen outside, and of course it can never get too hot for me but I always say it's hotter than blazes outside during summer, I mean to validate your logic, I was thinking your questioning should run along the lines of "Why don't we call Fall, Autumn, etc. Warm?" Maybe I missed the point.
by the way, I don't call spring bloom, I just call it spring :teeth: