HomeDepot 10% off coupon

We appreciate your taking the time to register. Now you can enjoy a personalized home page, access to more than 150 projects, every article on the site, tools and more. You can also take advantage of the great offers available from our featured partners. So thanks again, and good luck with your move!

Cool!!!! Thanks Cedar!
You can usually find 10% off coupons for HD and Lowes in the "moving booklets" that you can pickup at your local post office (the one with the change of address forms, etc, etc)
10% OFF HomeDepot

:42: 10% OFF Storewide plus other benefits :42:

You'll enjoy great features such as:
• Your own moving checklist
• Extensive tips on packing, moving and settling in
• Easy-to-do projects to improve your home's appearance
• Special offers just for you