HOT! EV SonicXS 2.1 Speakers, $30!!! (usually about $200)


Silver Member
May 17, 2003
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HOT! EV SonicXS 2.1 Speakers, $30!!! (usually about $200)

What it is: EV SonicXS 2.1 HardCore Speaker System, Black.

Where To Get It:

Price: $39.99 today, $30 starting this Sunday with 25% off coupon.
No rebates requird! Coupon here:

Note: These speakers are beautiful. They went for over $200 last year, and is comparable with the Klipsch Pro-Media 2.1, which still goes for over $150. Read ANY review on this item, and more than 90% of the time, the reviewers have loved it for its original price of over $180. Check out these reviews that I've searched for on
Anyhow, I'm grabbing myself this set today, and gonna price match it tomorrow. I would buy it tomorrow for 25% with the coupon above, but I'm pretty sure they'll sale out by then! Personally, this is the hottest deal on any computer part I've seen in months.

I'll be back with more deals soon! Support me by signing the guestbook at my website:

-=MaStA ViC
I dont see how these speakers can normally be priced at $200... :?:
i dont' know man...these looks pretty damn, this is the second ugly post i post
Just bought two sets of these, one for myself, one for my friend who drove me to CompUSA. Plugged them in about 15 minutes ago, and they're great! The 125-Watt Subwoofer is awesome, and the speakers sound great. I wouldn't mind buying these for twice its price, but I got them for $43.39 after taxes. The guy at CompUSA said that they will price match it if I bring in the coupon for 25% off, which brings this baby down to less than $33 after taxes.

I grabbed the last two in the San Francisco store, and they said they'll be out until maybe near the end of next week. The second cashier whom I bought these from said he would have bought a set for himself if he knew they were less than $50.

-=MaStA ViC
The reviews sold me on these. I just ordered 2 sets. Will go pick them up tomorrow and use the discount. I have to drive 30 mins to get there, but they wanted $21 for shipping on just 1 set. Thanks for posting. 8)
Yeah $21 for shipping on a $30 item just isn't worth it (even though these speakers would still be good for $51). Glad you were able to get your two sets before they sold out. I'm still these speakers being posted in a few other forums, and have seen a total of 11 sets being bought since last night (around midnight).

-=MaStA ViC
Oh yeah, just so people know, both satellites and the subwoofer is pretty big, so if you plan on picking them up and you live pretty far away, I would tell you not to walk the distance and try to carry them =P As for those such as Choochoojr who are buying two sets and picking them up, make sure you have some car space for them. I mean, they're not extremely large, but they're not that small either. For a two-satellite speaker system, the box is pretty big though (about the size of the Logitech Z-520 boxes, I think).

-=MaStA ViC
Wow, these look awesome. Too bad I don't really need speakers. I still MIGHT try to go pick up a set of these, they really look cool.

Too bad I'm at the beach too. There has to be a CompUSA somewhere.
Does this speaker system require a special sound card?
xur17 said:
Does this speaker system require a special sound card?

Nope, not that I'm aware of. I haven't found any information that states that, and my own set of this speaker system that I bought today is just plugged into a Santa Cruz Turtle Beach sound card, which is a pretty cheap card (I bought it for $40; retail price is $80, I think).

-=MaStA ViC
can you plug all of the wires into one sound port?
These are great. I could only get 1 set, manager called this morning and said they only had 1 set left and they were mine. Said she put an order in for more and to call back in a few days to check on my other set ordered. I was also able to use the 25% off coupon came to about $32.00.

These sound better than some home stereo speakers I have heard. Almost too loud for computer speakers. Watched Fast and Furious and it sounded excellent. My only complaint is that for some reason, is that the speaker wires needed to hooked up opposite of what they show. L-R hook-ups needed to be switched.
I noticed that earlier, but did you see how much people were getting for shipping($44.99) I am very happy getting them for $29.99+Tax. I hope I can get my 2nd pair soon. My son is mad at me now because I could not get the pair I ordered for him!
Well, this is my first day of returning to college for the second year, and I brought both my Logitech speakers and this new set... plugged them both in, and they're great =P Can't wait until the Resident Advisors yell at me to keep the voice level down.

-=MaStA ViC
xur17 said:
can you plug all of the wires into one sound port?

Yup. These are 2.1 speakers, so all you need is one sound port.

-=MaStA ViC
Urgh... I've been Internet-less since I've moved into my dorm room 'cause of Internet connection problems. I'm at the university library using their Internet right now... pretty sad.

Anyway, I'm now using this set of speakers AND my Logitech sets at the same time in my dorm room, and it's great. So far, I've gotten a few compliments on my bass and a complaint (but then, I take the complaint as a compliment as well; if it's loud enough for them to complain, then I'm glad that it's just loud enough... haha).

Both sets of speakers sound great with my Santa Cruz Turtle Beach sound card, and all I needed was a Y-Splitter to get everything up and running easily.

-=MaStA ViC