How 'bout those Yankees? (heh...)


CAT ATTACK! Meerowwer!
Oct 29, 2003
Reaction score
*Wow* To anyone who saw the final ALCS game, did you ever expect the Red Sox to kick that much butt? I was hoping the Sox would eek out a victory of maybe a run or two (maaaybe), but I did not expect what I saw last night! And thank GOD they took Pedro out of there so they didn't have a repeat of last year! Anyone think they have a chance at the World Series? :hmm:
All my co-workers are talking about this game today. Something about a fight between fans.
Apparently someone died after the game or something and the police are taking responsibility for it. I didn't catch the details, I think it was on CNN.
As a lifelong Yankee fan, I have to tip my hate to the Sox. They wanted it more, and they played harder. It was a very disappointing week here in NYC, but the series was definitely quite good. Of course I still prefer the storybook Game 7 ending from last year ;)
the yanks can't play 3 amazing games in a row and just sit back and expect that the fourth will come without effort. THey were on FIRE, and just stopped. Very dissappointed NY fan :(
ksocia said:
... Freudian slip? ;)
Hahahaha!! Great catch ksocia LOL
Guess I haven't fully moved into the acceptance phase yet :o
i think it was all set up by George boy himself. He prolly bet against the yankees as the odds against them would be much much much greater as they won 3 straight and for the red sox to come back 4 up. I bet he made so much money off that bet, that he can not only get beltran, but pay the whole teams salary for a year or two.

just my opinion.
I was actually hoping the Astros would win the NLCS, that would make it MA vs TX in the world series, just like the presidential race, and people could project their hatred for either liberals or retards onto the world series (respectively). :D
ksocia said:
I was actually hoping the Astros would win the NLCS, that would make it MA vs TX in the world series, just like the presidential race, and people could project their hatred for either liberals or retards onto the world series (respectively). :D
Haha, I didn't even think of that... I just wanted the Astros in to see Clemens pitch against one of his former teams.