How did you do that?


L10 Deal Goddess
Jan 24, 2007
Reaction score
I'm starting a thread for people that would like to know how someone posted something and they would like to know how.

Ladymez - How do you post pictures and have them show up the right size?

My answer- no clue :noidea:

What I do to post pictures is....

I go to and search for what I'm looking for.

When I find a picture that I would like, I click on that picture.

The picture will show up on another page and have codes further down on the right side.

I click on HTML code

It copies the code

Then I come back here and just paste the picture right where I want it.

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="lady gaga Pictures, Images and Photos"/></a>

Does anyone know how to shrink a picture that shows up larger then desired?
Hey dbee!!!

I think you can manually shrink the pictures in Photobucket, but I believe it loses some quality.

Also to post the pictures here (if that's what you asked:blushing:), you should use the IMG Code option.


For example:
(just remove the "_" before http)
Bigdaddy, does that mean that you put pictures on photobucket prior to posting them here?
:doh: Jeez - that's a heck of a lot better than I do it! Believe it or not, sunbeam just pm'd me on how to insert photos into post --- I think it's under FAQ's. All along though I've just been using stock images from Yahoo or whatever for my avitars - making sure of course that they will fit the paramaters of upload max - I think 100/100 or so --- so I guess I kinda cheat and go very basic -- BD's got the style I want thanks for the tips :)
On photobucket, the original size of the photo on there is what you get when you paste it.

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Good Morning Pictures, Images and Photos"/></a>
Bigdaddy, does that mean that you put pictures on photobucket prior to posting them here?

Yes. My comment was assuming you had the pics in your Photobucket account. FYI I have a free Photobucket account and if I see a pic on-line I'd want to post here (or anywhere) I would right click and save it and just upload it via the link to Photobucket and then post the link like explained above.
In order to resize photos, I assume you use windoz XP, install the Windows XP photo resizer Once it's installed all you have to do is right click the photo (you do have to have downloaded it) and pick the size you want and it will resize a copy.

If you use Linux and install "Kim" (KDE Image Menu), when you right click a photo you will have a plethora of things that can be done (convert, resize, rotate, etc.) or Install "Sir" (Simple Image Resizer) or BIRT (Batch Image Resizer Thingy).

I'm sure Macs have tools that work as well and easily.

Alternately you can go to and tell it where the photo is on your computer and the size you want it to be and it will make a resized copy on line. Works right in your browser.
Hey dbee!!!

I think you can manually shrink the pictures in Photobucket, but I believe it loses some quality.

Also to post the pictures here (if that's what you asked:blushing:), you should use the IMG Code option.


For example:
(just remove the "_" before http)

Shameless opportunity to post more pictures of his beautiful children :shhh:

:kissing: They're growing up BD! Very nice.
Shameless opportunity to post more pictures of his beautiful children :shhh:

:kissing: They're growing up BD! Very nice.

Thanks, Jerry! You caught me. :blushing: Although I already posted this picture. :wink:
Can anyone tell me.....:prey:

How could I set up a link that would show up when you hit a word that is random and not that link ?
Type the text that you want, such as: Link Here

Then highlight what you want linked and click the
button and enter the URL (or Internet Address) of where you want the link to go to.

When finished, you'll see a bunch of information such as:
[URL=""]Link Here[/URL]

Leave it as is and you shall have your link like here:
Link Here
Thank you for explaining this to me!
.......did you ever hear the phrase 'you can't teach an old dog a new trick'?
Can you describe the situation?
Can you describe the situation?

That's the description = particular. I'll probably have to employ a "particular accelerator" to split into something more comprehensible. :suspicious: