How do you pill a cat?


May 29, 2005
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Ok, not a cat, but a child. :sad: I can't get medicine into my kid!!!!!!!!!!! :mmph:
Yeah....bacon isn't an option. Husband just took her to urgent care. :sad: Running high fevers x 4 days....told was viral. Not going to chance it, and she just spit out the dose of antibiotic (was prescribed just in case) that I squirted in her mouth. Oh, and did I mention my son came home from school with a fever? This week is getting better by the minute.
:sad: Thats really tough, and hope they all feel better real soon....I will put them in my prayers :prey:
Awwww, sunbeam. I'm sorry. I hope everyone gets better soon and returns back to Leave It To Beaverness.
Lolipop candy suckers with embedded medicine technology...
Not good. We'll keep you in thoughts and prayers.
ok...they came back...they actually got sent to the ER by the urgent care people. her pulse was 150 and temp 104..they wouldn't treat her. she's home now. temp down after medicine. pinned her down to give antibiotic...half of it is in my hair. going to bed in 5.
What a rough week, especially after Mother's Day. Hope you slept well.
yes snibble! I think Noelle is finally on the mend (should I even say that??). Her temp has been 99.5 all day without meds. She's eating and drinking. And yelling...that's always a good sign. Oh, there she is now! She wants hot chocolate :rofl: Luc is running 100 with fever reducer. I'll take that. He's off playing by himself. Maybe he has a milder version. Can't wait to get the E.R. bill..... :cry: Servant? Sleep???? Noelle and I both went to bed at 11:30 last night. I woke up all night long and she jumps up at 6:30 ready to go? what on Earth? Well....I go to work tonight...thank heaven. :pound:
:) I'm happy to hear things are looking up :yesnod: and the fact ya work tonight means you can get some rest:teeth: Take care :hugs:
Yes work = rest for sure...and I found out I'm working again tonight. yeah?!? :rofl: Noelle is 98.2 :teeth: Luc was up to 102/3 a few times yesterday. Running at 99.2 so far today. We're getting there. Thanks for the well-wishes everyone. I slept...get ready for this.... 10 1/2 hours last night. :faint: I think my body just gave up and said it was on strike. I needed that. :yesnod:
Wow, what a rough time for all. Glad things are getting better.
We always did the pinch the nose trick until they had to swallow but it didn't always work. If it is a pill, try putting in something smooth like ice cream or yogurt. For liquid meds, I would consult a doctor about that one. Putting it in something might dilute it too much.
it's liquid. as long as she ingests all of the medicine, she's good. hot chocolate (not too hot!) is doing the trick right now. :wink: I think the problem was that she just didn't want to eat/drink once her fever got so we didn't have any options at that point. She's bouncing around the house all smiles now. :loving: