Holy Smoke!
Good golly, my score was 6.4 planets!!!!! Frankly, I think I lost points because I don't have a public transportation option (live on an island!), and, my physical disability limits my biking or walking over ten miles!!! Shucks, what about our geriatric society with even higher needs? Me thinks my colleagues at the Smithsonian or NOAA would not be real happy with my score.
I never considered myself a wasteful, or thoughtless user of energy.
Living on the Chesapeake Bay most of my life, we have learned to temper our needs and actively participate in Conservation Programs. We have to, the living environment depends on it. Admittedly, my house is not covered in a grass roof, I don't have sky lights, and, I do throw out the occassional newspaper now! (My Tristan use to pee pee on them, and, I thought was good enough for recycling!). There has to be moderation, sensibility, cooperation, and, a sense of accomplishment on the level of the particpators in any consevation project to get results. Agreed, this was a skewed quiz! Even the smallest effort to conserve counts in today's world. :wave: