We guarantee that every rebate we offer on our site or in our catalogs is honored. We guarantee you'll be paid the rebate amount---even if we have to pay it ourselves. Just refer to the simple guidelines below and we'll guarantee the payment of your rebate...Even in the rare event the manufacturer does not. Just one more way that TigerDirect.com stands behind everything we sell. Every day...
1. You must have followed all rules posted on the manufacturer's rebate.
2. You have copies of all documentation associated with the rebate.
3. You must have submitted your rebate on time, in compliance with the manufacturer's postmark requirements. Sorry, but
WE CANNOT GUARANTEE a rebate if the claim was submitted late.
You must supply us with proof of on-time submission (i.e.: USPS Return Receipt).
5. You must have allowed enough time for the manufacturer to process your rebate (typically 8-10 weeks).
If you have complied with all requirements listed above, and have yet to receive payment or a denial letter (and you have allowed 10 weeks for processing) PLEASE CONTACT US IMMEDIATELY!
When you call us....
1. Please have your TigerDirect.com Order Number ready.
2. Please gather all documentation before you call (I.e.: invoice, rebate documents, UPC labels, etc.).
3. Please have Postal receipt or tracking number available to verify rebate submission was made before rebate expiration date.
4. Be prepared to fax, mail or e-mail us the above documentation as proof of your rebate submission.
5. Download the "
Rebate Guarantee Submission Form". Complete the form and submit it with the documentation as stated above.
What We Will Do...
1. When we receive your documentation, we will review your submission to ensure compliance.
Within 10 days of reviewing your submission documents we will notify you of our findings and we will cut a check and send it to you immediately, or that your claim was found to be out of compliance and you are not eligible to receive a rebate.
Note: Maximum of 5 Rebate Guarantee claims per household per year.
Rebate Guarantee Submission Form >>