How Texas Legislation Votes

Staff member
Dec 21, 2001
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Which should bother you more, that half aren't even there, or what happens when they're not?

Why dont they just count the voters on the floor, and compare it to the number of votes? If the numbers are different, it doesnt count. No vote counts until the numbers match.
Why not have to enter a password or have it recognize the legislators bone structure of their index and middle finger or something before the vote is entered? (yes the technology exists and its not as expensive as you'd think)
Even something as simple as a card swipe would stop (or reduce) this.
Why not have to enter a password or have it recognize the legislators bone structure of their index and middle finger or something before the vote is entered? (yes the technology exists and its not as expensive as you'd think)
Even something as simple as a card swipe would stop (or reduce) this.

We could just make the buttons themselves from the biometrics.
So the fact that they work through lunch and dinner is supposed to excuse them breaking their own rules. Who hasn't worked through lunch or dinner? As for the people who aren't there; if the rest of us showed up for work as little as some lawmakers do, we wouldn't have jobs.
Right. And if youre only going to go once or twice a week, maybe you could at least go the one or two days that theyre voting.