I always knew they were no good...


labhairt shíoch-in
May 4, 2005
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This gives new meaning to "cat burglar"

Aug 30, 11:02 AM (ET)

BERLIN (Reuters) - German police called to a break-in at an apartment in the northern town of Itzstedt found the intruder still on the premises and hiding under a kitchen cabinet.

The "cat burglar" had somehow crawled into the ground-floor of the apartment, broken window blinds, torn down drapes and trashed furniture.

Police also found fish and fish remains from a broken aquarium scattered around the apartment, said Julika Reinhardt, spokesman for the police in the town north of Hamburg.

Two officers finally found the offender, a cat, hiding under a kitchen cabinet but the heavyweight male resisted arrest, biting one officer in the thumb before they both managed to overpower it.

Reinhardt said the cat, wearing a name tag, was returned to its owner who would have to pay for the damage.

"No one knows how the cat broke in," she said. "But the damage was considerable."

:evil: :cat: LOL
I hate most cats. they are tools of the devil working under cover! I find them useless....except for one cat my friend has...I like it because its name is Socks...haha
There is nothing like waking up, to the sound of a cat throwing up, in the middle of the night. ahhhh, fond memories......NOT :confused:
My cat likes to wake me up by staring at my face till she sees the tiniest crack open. Then she meows incescantly till i pet her.. and this at 3:30am.
Apocalypse716 said:
I hate most cats. they are tools of the devil working under cover! I find them useless....except for one cat my friend has...I like it because its name is Socks...haha

All they do is sleep 80% of the time, run around like maniacs 10% of the time, and eat the other 10%.