I'm angry, but I guess more at myself for falling for the ole InPhonic, Inc. Rebate Scam. I registered a complaint with the BBB, FTC, FCC, US Post Master and I just recently filed with ic3.gov. I have given up hope on getting the rebate, but have learned a very important lesson. People are out there just waiting to rip you off -- no matter how renown the product company is -- they use unscrupelous venders and they hope you don't tie it back to them. I fell for the Cingular Wireless Razar scam. As result, Cingular Wireless will loose a great paying customer -- the moment the contract is over. Plus -- never again will I buy anything with a rebate. There are many like me out there. We merely move on to another company. It is sad because our society is becoming very untrusting because of these scams. I appreciate a place to vent -- thanks.