Interesting article collecting advertisements for old computer hardware

$3400 for a 10MB drive? Sounds great! Where can I buy? ;) :D
Ode to the good ol days.... <sigh> Where did they go?

I remember owning a Tandy, C64, C128, Amiga, PS/2, 8086, 8088, 80286, 80386, 80486, and onward until today's AthlonXP 2600+ (oc'ed to 2800.. heh)

Yea, so, I just dated myself, what of it! =P
I remember when we first got that good 'ol Commodore 64 at a mere $1,000 smackers. Sheesh, my Palm Pilot has more memory.
I got news for ya.. Current CPU Chips have more On-Die cache then the C64 had total memory.. Scarry ain't it... =P I still like the Bill Gates, 640k outta be 'nuff for anybody quote... And to think, these days Windows won't load on anything under 256megs.. Go BSD & Linux!!!